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The Significant Impact of Book Reading on Writing Skills

Impact of Book Reading on Writing Skills

Our habits’ influence on our life cannot be denied and underestimated. Our actions influence our future, things we opt for, and the decisions we make today will affect tomorrow directly. That is why it is so important to develop good habits, reducing bad habits in turn. Reading books is considered a good and functional habit that can improve creativity, vocabulary, and critical thinking.

Moreover, the habit of continuously reading books affects the betterment of our writing skills. Writing, in turn, makes our value as professionals much higher. That is why students get so many writing assignments through their years of study at universities and colleges. The volume of such assignments is too large from time to time, and the deadlines are too strict to handle all the tasks alone.

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What skills are boosted by reading books?

Reading books has a significant impact on people and develops many essential skills. Among them are:

  • creative thinking and critical thinking
  • stress minimizing
  • on the physical level, reading sufficiently lowers blood pressure, increases brain connectivity, lowers heart rate
  • reading helps to fight depression, ADD, and other mental diseases
  • at the particular stage of aging, reading can prevent cognitive decline
  • reading empowers people to empathize with others, boosting communication skills, makes you a better collocutor
  • increase of the level of comprehension

How does reading correlate with writing?

Reading and writing both teach us to understand things and conceptions by interpreting them. In turn, writing assumes creating texts that express concepts, thoughts, and feelings. Reading is among the basic things we learn. Children are starting to learn how to read before they know how to write. Cognitive skills are developed by reading as well as by communicating with others.

Studying, reading, and writing always come together when speaking about the topic, as reading assumes developing the ability to understand and interpret written messages. Reading boosts students’ vocabulary, affects their overall writing style, grammar, spelling, and more. Writing and reading both play a significant role in communication nowadays, even knowing that modern people are more into technologies than 15-20 years ago. Since writing helps us express our thoughts and ideas with particular words, it relates to reading and cognitive abilities. The parts of reading acquirement contribute to the process of writing.

Distinctions between students with different reading habits are significant. Various social researches conducted in colleges and universities show a moderate level of reading habits when it comes to students. The most wanted genres students like to read are fiction and non-fiction. Moreover, students understand the correlation between reading books and the betterment of their writing performance. Usually, they can see that the quality of written assignments boosts according to the amount and quality of books they read. Simultaneously, researchers admit that the groups of students whose level of reading is lower than average make more grammar mistakes and have poorer vocabulary than groups of students who read more books regularly.

How to make reading a habit that helps to improve writing?

Among the working advice for writing skills betterment is reading literature of different genres. Any area of life reflected in a good book is a vast space for investigation and gaining knowledge. If you love reading books of a specific genre, for example, historical books and biographies, it is recommended to switch to other genres. Reading poems, classic literature, and science fiction will give you the ability to see things from different angles.

Another good piece of advice on how to train yourself to read more and better is developing a habit. Try to do a behavioral experiment by reading at least one-two pages of an interesting book for 21 days. Scientists admit that it is better to develop this habit continuously and not skip a single day of the cycle.

Some students are fond of reading clubs that help them improve their reading habits and widen their social networking circle. Such clubs are widespread on campuses of well-known high schools and have a lot to offer. Collective reading and discussions help students to read more and choose books wisely. Such clubs throw various events and book presentations inviting famous writers that are also entertaining for audiences.

Here are some recommendations of books that contain essential pieces of advice for writing betterment:

1. Ernest Hemingway on Writing by Larry W. Phillips

2. How to Write a Thesis by Umberto Eco

3. The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White

Bottom line

No doubt, writing, and reading correlate. Reading helps us learn to understand things and concepts and widen the vocabulary that is vital for writing. We know to read before we learn to write; therefore, cognitive development depends on the quality and amount of books we read. Moreover, according to research done in various high schools, students who read books often perform their writing assignments much more effectively than students who dedicate themselves to reading books for a less amount of time.

Reading affects the brain, reduces stress, and helps with mental diseases even such as depression and ADD. Reading prevents cognitive decline and empowers people to empathize with others, making them better collocutors. Distinctions between students with different reading habits are significant, as proven by numerous researches. To improve your writing skills, you need to develop a good habit of reading more.

It would help if you started reading at least several pages daily or in a reading club. An important piece of advice is looking for genres you like most and experimenting by reading books of new genres.