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5 Ways Workplace Panic Alert Buttons Can Make Your Hotel Safer

Workplace violence is common, and it affects over two million people annually according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Those who have shifts at night and are always in contact with drunk guests during late hours are more prone to be assaulted or sexually harassed.

It is where the panic buttons, which are small and discreet devices, can become useful. They can be easily accessed and used in times of emergency. They are designed to provide a quick and efficient way for employees to send an alert signal when they feel threatened or unsafe, and are typically worn on the person, such as on a badge or keychain, making them readily available at all times.

Activation will send an immediate distress signal to designated individuals or security personnel, who may include the front desk staff, supervisors, or even local law enforcement, depending on the panic button solutions in place. Notification is usually sent via a wireless connection or through a centralized monitoring system that is set up beforehand.

In high-stress situations where time is crucial the simplicity of the device can make all the difference in the world. Another handy feature that they have is they come equipped with GPS technology, which allows responders to pinpoint the exact location from where the distress signal was triggered.

Various Benefits of the Panic Buttons

1. Expect it to act as a deterrent against potential threats and knowing that there is an immediate response system in place can discourage individuals with malicious intent from carrying out harmful actions in the first place.

2. Enhance employee morale and sense of security, since when workers feel protected and supported by their employers through these security provisions, it creates a positive work environment where employees feel valued and cared for.

3. Instant alerts during a threat or incident are also valuable and during an accident, every second counts. It could essentially save the lives of people trapped inside the elevators or those who got stuck in a room where they could not get out.

4. Improve guest satisfaction with the hotels in the process when they know that the staff has access to tools for rapid response in case of emergencies. Many of them will have greater peace of mind during their stay, and they know that there will be a less likely chance of them experiencing distress while they are on vacation.

5. Increase retention with the employees in an industry with a higher turnover rate. Candidates will be more interested in working with a management that cares about their environment. This also reduces liability because everyone can act responsibly when the button is pressed. See more about this switch on this page here.

State Legislatures and Ordinances

1. Washington: 

Those who have over sixty rooms operating as a motel or hotel should be compliant with providing panic buttons for each of the employees. They also need to adopt a policy against sexual harassment where all the supervisors, trainees, and managers, are required to attend.

2. New Jersey:

The date of compliance deadline was January 1, 2020. This applies to all boarding houses, inns, and other establishments that offer at least a hundred guest rooms. Employees should get the devices at no extra costs, and those who believe that they are in the presence of harassment, or if there are immediate threats like assault, should be able to stop working and leave the area.

3. Illinois:

The compliance requirement deadline was extended to March 1, 2021, where those casinos and hotels that are operating in restrooms and guest bedrooms should have a notification device on them. This is an ordinance where there should be no retaliation that should be made against the one who pressed the panic button, and those who have claimed this act should be awarded around $350 for every violation.

4. Massachusetts:

Those who are assigned to any enclosed area where they can reasonably expect guests should have access to panic buttons. They are required for hotels that have at least twenty-five rooms, and this ordinance can take effect a year after the passage.

5. Sacramento, California:

The Ordinance about this became effective on March 29, 2018, and a 60-day grace period will be provided. The bill describes the procedures that should be taken after an employee has complained, and there should be follow-ups in the event of sexual harassment by guests you can find out more at this link:

Helpful Tips for Utilizing the Devices

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1. Placement:

Strategically position panic buttons throughout the hotel, especially in high-risk areas such as reception, bars, or parking lots, as it will ensure that employees have quick access to help when needed.

2. Training:

Employees should be knowledgeable of how to use the device effectively, and they should know exactly what steps to take once the button is activated, and how to communicate with security or management.

3. Regular Testing:

Conduct regular assessments of the panic system to ensure its functionality and reliability, and this may include simulating emergency scenarios and evaluating response times.