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9 Hacks To Tackle Office Stress in 2023

Hacks To Tackle Office Stress

Working in a typical workplace can be stressful. From pressure to complete a task before the deadline to not carrying out an assignment to perfection, there are constant reasons for stress. Office stress can result in moodiness, a lack of motivation, fatigue, and less productivity. Thus, tackling stress at the office is non-negotiable to be at the top of your game.

 Although stress at work may never cease, you can manage it properly or drastically reduce it. If you are constantly going through stress at work, you’re not alone. Indeed, about 40 percent of workers go through extreme stress at work. To manage stressful situations at the office, here are nine life hacks you can apply.

#1. Get enough sleep

To tackle stress, start sleeping right. Change or improve your sleeping habits because sleep deprivation is a significant cause of stress. It can lead to heart-related diseases, including cardiac arrest and heart attack. If you are experiencing an irregular heartbeat, it could also be a sign of sleep deprivation. Adults need up to nine hours of sleep, including naps. CBD products can help you sleep better, and you can get high-quality CBD oils and tinctures online at Start putting more effort into sleeping soundly, especially at night. Keep your phone away, turn off the lights, and get some proper rest.

#2. Get some exercise

Besides building body muscles, exercise also strengthens the mind. Stress can cause your body, especially your chest ache. It also leads to exhaustion and moodiness. Exercising can help fuel your muscles and bones with energy and mental sharpness to take on the day’s work. 

Besides taking its toll on the body, stress is also linked to high blood pressure and other heart-related diseases. Exercise helps to keep the blood flowing and keeps the heart in good health. You may start working out before going to work to keep your energy levels up early or have your workout session in the evening after work.

#3. Complete tasks according to their order of priority

 Stress at work can be overwhelming with too many uncompleted assignments. Though you may not always control how you receive assignments, how you manage tasks matters. Challenging tasks and overdue assignments are two common causes of stress at work. 

To avoid these situations, you need to develop some organizational skills. Plan your schedule better and know your priorities. Focus more on the most important tasks: the most important tasks to your superior or functions with the tightest deadlines. Stress increases as the deadline for a project draw near. Therefore, by completing your tasks according to their order of priority, you can reduce stress at work. 

#4. Eat healthy food

Healthy eating is vital to healthy living. Food helps to carry oxygen from the blood to the brain, which improves mental wellness. According to science, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet, many working-class people skip breakfast. At lunch, many also eat fast food, including hot dogs and burgers. Healthy meals with the ideal proportions of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and protein have many benefits. Reduce your salt and sugar intake. Also, clamp down on fatty foods, particularly saturated and trans fats. If you need professional help with your diet, consult a dietitian.

#5. Take power naps during breaks

There is a difference between sleeping and taking naps. While you may sleep for hours, taking naps may only last minutes. Find some time and a quiet environment, especially during your lunch break, to take a nap. Power naps are usually short periods of sleep within working hours. You can take between 20 and 30-minute naps during the day to recharge. This activity can also improve brain function, boost your sharpness, and increase your productivity. 

#6. Listen to soothing music

Music can help you manage stress at work. When you are out of sorts, listening to upbeat, soothing music can help you relax. You may need to work on your playlist and have a section for calm music. Try classical music or smooth jazz. Put your headphones on to cancel out the noise outside and immerse yourself in some soothing tunes. After your music break, you may return to the day’s work.

#7. Aromatherapy can help

Another natural remedy to tackle work stress is through alternative medicine. Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine that uses the extracts of aromatic plants to provide wellness. Some of the common plants or flowers used for aromatherapy include mint, rosemary, and lavender. The sweet smell from these plants can have healing and stress-relieving effects on the mind. 

These plants are usually not sedative; you can go for a quick session during your lunch break. Alternatively, you can get some of these aromatic herbs from your local grocery store, put their buds in an air-tight container, and take them to work. Open the container and leave it on your desk. Take a sniff or let the aroma fill the air to relieve stress. 

#8. Reduce multitasking

People are often proud of being able to do multiple tasks at once. Multitasking can be a significant advantage at the office, but it can also have side effects. Juggling various responsibilities can lead to stress. Although being known as a “master multitasker” can earn you a good reputation at work, it also raises the bar for you regarding productivity. When this happens, pressure to meet expectations may begin to mount on you. When under stress, reduce multitasking. Only take on a few tasks and complete them one after the other. 

#9. Avoid stress triggers

Understanding how stress works and how it could affect you is vital to managing it properly. Also, note that a host of events can trigger anxiety. There are various stress triggers that you may encounter daily. As long as they exist, getting out of stressful situations can be difficult. Whatever increases your anxiety, restlessness, or stress is a stress trigger. Stress triggers can also be negative people at work who only talk about things that give you anxiety. Avoid negative talks at work, be in the company of cheerful and inspired colleagues, and keep your phone as far away as possible.


As a bonus tip, form wholesome friendships. Work can be overwhelming at times, and when it happens, getting moral support from well-meaning acquaintances can make a massive difference. How you eat, rest, and approach your daily tasks can impact your stress levels. Understanding yourself can help you find out what triggers stress and get you closer to finding lasting solutions to them. When you manage stress properly, your productivity and general well-being improve.