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Kratom: 7 Facts That You Didn’t Know

Facts That You Didn’t Know about kratom

By now, most people have heard about Kratom, either from a friend, online or in the neighborhood. This herb, originating from Southeast Asia, has long been used by locals to alleviate several conditions such as pains and aches. As leaves obtained from an evergreen tree called Mitragyna speciosa, Kratom has recently received much attention. This was mainly due to the report issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Like most natural supplements, there’s a lot of uncertainty and regulatory unrest. According to the Washington Post, While some parties oppose the use of Kratom, many users firmly support it due to the beneficial effects it has on general health and wellbeing.

To help set the record straight and provide an unbiased view of the herb, here are seven facts about Kratom that everyone interested in using it should know before trying it.

Kratom isn’t a Drug

First, some organizations and people may want the masses to believe that Kratom is no drug. This misconception of this herb is fuelled by the desire of some to ban its use, to be more specific, the DEA. In addition, it is not an opiate. But instead, you can think of Kratom the same way you would think of coffee. These two herbal products produce noticeable effects on users but lack the potency to categorize them in the same group as active drugs like cocaine and meth. Also, both are derivative of plants and need processing before use in several forms.

The Different Strains of Kratom

As earlier mentioned, the Kratom leaf, whether powdered or processed into capsules, was initially derived from a tropical tree located in Southeast Asia. It gradually became a source of natural relief from millions of people across Asia and eventually made it to the West. It exists in different strains with slightly different effects. Examples of popular kratom strains include:

  • White vein kratom
  • Maeng da kratom
  • Yellow vein kratom
  • Elephant kratom
  • Bentuangie kratom

You can only find the most suitable Kratom for yourself if you know the details of what each strain offers. For instance, you have asked, Where to Buy Elephant Kratom? But it’s equally vital to learn the features that make each strain unique so you can choose the right strain for your condition.

What Does Kratom Do?

According to a recent study published by an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, relief from pain and aches is the primary reason many people take Kratom. Kratom is a potent painkiller and analgesic. Apart from pain relief, others say they use Kratom to help reduce dependence on drugs, especially opiates. In the study, kratom users say the herb enables them to fight the opiate withdrawal symptoms, and some confirmed that they successfully discontinued opiates. These reports lend credibility to previous research indicating that Kratom could help therapeutic benefits in opiate withdrawal.

What do the Experts say about Kratom?

Supporters of Kratom believe it could be instrumental in the fight against the opioid crisis since it can help for more natural pain relief and addicts to overcome opioid withdrawal challenges. However, some experts have a different perspective, saying the herb isn’t the final solution.

To lay the matter to rest, the reports of a 2010 survey published in the International Journal on Drug Policy involved 136 kratom users. The survey found that users describe Kratom as readily available, affordable, and poses no severe side effects even after long-term use. But it’s necessary to state that this report lacked any systematic study of the potential hazards or therapeutic effects of Kratom.

Some even say that the herb can help address the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety.

The Duration of Kratom in The Body

The precise half-life of Kratom is not scientifically known. As such, there’s the need for further studies to investigate how long the substance stays in the body after use. However, similar to other substances introduced into the body, the duration of Kratom in your system will vary according to the following factors:

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Metabolic rate
  • Frequency of use
  • Water and food intake
  • Body fat
  • Metabolic rate
  • Body fat

Experts usually conduct a urine test to identify the active compounds in Kratom, namely mitragynine and alkaloid. Per the factors listed, the test can detect these compounds after varying periods following the use of Kratom.

What Are The Associated Risks?

Due to the similarities between Kratom and opiates, this herb also shares some of the side effects of known opiates. According to the DEA, Some of these side effects include the following:

  • Itching
  • Stomach upset
  • Mild sedation
  • Appetite loss
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth

On average, these side effects are rather mild, especially when juxtaposed with the impact presented by opiates. However, one thing you want to avoid when using Kratom is the mistake of mixing it with other medications or drugs. Usually, this will either worsen the side effects or, in some cases, induce additional effects like seizures or even psychosis.

Any Chances of Dependence or Withdrawal?

Also, the DEA declared that Kratom could be addictive, just like other drugs with opioid-like properties. As such, excessive use of Kratom may cause dependence. Some people have also reported increased tolerance to the substance over time. This means frequent users may experience physical withdrawal symptoms after they discontinue the use of the herb.

However, the observed withdrawal symptoms are generally milder than other opiates. Some of these symptoms may include:

  • Watery eyes
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Mood disturbances
  • Frequent muscle spasms
  • Decreased appetite
  • Runny nose
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased aggression
  • Hostility and irritability

Due to this possibility, it’s advisable that you cautiously consider the potential pros and cons of Kratom before using it.


At the moment, the use of Kratom is entirely legal within the borders of the U.S. However, this by no means implies that you should take the use of this potent herb lightly. Like most things in life, Kratom can be a two-edged sword that offers several therapeutic benefits. But on the other hand, it can also pose severe threats, especially for users with pre-existing medical conditions to take medication. As such, it’s essential to arm yourself with every information regarding the safe usage, dosage, and any scientific research surrounding Kratom before you try it. If possible, first consult your doctor before using it for any stated benefits, particularly if you’re on any medications.